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strange clicking noise coming from my car

When I sit in the driver's seat, I hear a clicking sound that fades away as the vehicle turns. The sound originates from the right bottom side. Do you have any clue what's causing that issue? Is it still safe to drive it?

Your engine may be low on oil or there could be a problem inside the engine causing the low oil pressure. Better to check with mechanic expert as soon as possible.

I agree with Loadrun.  The clicking sound must be due to the fact that there is less lubrication in the engine parts and it would be best to check oil and probably replace it.

A badly worn CV joint also causes clicking and tapping sounds especially when the vehicle accelerates, it might even disintegrate while driving so make it a priority to show it to your mechanic.

The clicking sound most likely indicates that you have a damaged constant velocity, or CV joint in the front axle. Another reason could be a low level of oil in your engine, this will cause the components of the valvetrain to cause clicking sounds because the components are not being lubricated enough. The reason for low engine oil could be due to a leak somewhere. Perhaps you have damaged or worn out gaskets or seals. So, as mentioned it could be due to oil pressure, exhaust leaks, spark plugs, or the valvetrain or a worn out CV joint. Do check with your mechanic at the earliest.

It might be because of the CV joint or from your axle. If the sound is minimum and if it doesn't develop further, it's safe to use. If you feel the sound is getting louder every day. Then it is better to visit the mechanic. Otherwise, you can wait to see the mechanic till your next service visit.

There are chances of relay issues and heater control losing calibration as well.