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North Dakota

Are mini trucks legal in North Dakota? Is there any speed limit?

You can use a mini truck in North Dakota with a set speed limit of 55mph or less.

Yes they have set a speed limit of 55mph.

The Japanese mini truck is in fact legal in every state of the United States with certain rules and regulations regarding their usage, just like all other vehicles plying on the road. The rules unfortunately differ from state to state causing unnecessary confusion. Certain states allow these mini trucks if these comply with their age regulations. They moreover specify not to drive them on certain roads or highways. But the good thing is that, except for such restrictions, almost every US state calls it legal to own and drive a mini truck on the roads. In North Dakota, you can drive a minitruck with a set speed limit of 55mph or less and it is unlawful to use them on roads with a speed limit over 65mph.

They have kept restrictions in the speed limit which is 55mph.