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Nonstop Horn

My horn is ON continuously on scrum. What could have gone wrong?

The horn switch must have broken or the relay must have shorted internally.  The best thing to do first is to pull the horn fuse to stop any further damage to our ears.  A mechanic can quickly fix it so no worries.

This has happened to me even when the car is off horn sound was going off continuously I started my car the horn stopped, my mechanic had to replace the entire relay.

In a typical car horn circuit, the switch or button the driver pushes is connected to a relay. This horn relay will be connected to the horn switch, battery positive, and the horn. When the driver activates the horn, the relay provides power to the horn. So potentially, when your horn sounds continuously, which is very annoying, the failure points include the horn switch, the horn relay, the actual horn components, and the wiring. First of all locate the fuse for the horn circuit and remove it to disable the horn. You can then peacefully work out the process of eliminating and replacing the defective part.

This is everyone's nightmare.  Getting the horn stuck while driving. I once pulled off the wires with my hand, to stop the horn. It was caused by an electrical short circuit. A rodent has cut the wires and when two wires came in contact the horn turned ON. Check whether there is a short circuit in the wire or the relay might have gotten damaged.

Quote from Fastblast on March 17, 2022, 7:11 am

This is everyone's nightmare.  Getting the horn stuck while driving. I once pulled off the wires with my hand, to stop the horn. It was caused by an electrical short circuit. A rodent has cut the wires and when two wires came in contact the horn turned ON. Check whether there is a short circuit in the wire or the relay might have gotten damaged.

I can very well imagine how frustrating it must have been.

This has happened in my street. It was so annoying!