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Mitsubishi Minicab Engine Issues

I have had multiple troubles with the ignition system and carburetor on my Minicab with 3g83 engine. I have tried fixing the ignition system and cleaned the carburetor. But when the engine runs, I noticed white smoke from the exhaust and it smelled like burning coolant. Anyone can shed light on what could be the problem.

White smoke indicates  that coolant or water has entered the ignition chamber due to some mistake and when it burns it produces white smoke that escapes through the exhaust.  So check for coolant leak.

Excessive amounts of white smoke could indicate head gasket failure also. Check on it!

This might very well be a coolant leak. It might be caused by the failure of the sealing gasket in the engine. Take it to a professional mechanic to examine your engine. As leaking coolant would overheat your engine and might even cause engine seizure while the engine is in operation.

You can first try head gasket repair treatment to seal the leak before you do serious damage to your engine.