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Color of Coolant

Does the color of the coolant signify anything? Or can I mix or use any color?

Usually it is green color. Anyway, check the bottle and see if it says its compatible with all other types of coolant.

It's not a good idea to mix two different colors coolents or types of antifreeze. If done, there is a strong possibility of turning your coolant into a sludgy chemical mixture that won't be able to flow properly through your cooling system. Using the wrong coolant can lead to corrosion and other damages to the radiator, water pump, radiator hoses, cylinder gasket, and more.

The green color one is long life coolant and the  blue color is super long life coolant.  There are different specifications with regards to usage for both and hence mixing is not advisable.

Suggest you choose your coolant depending upon the temperature of your state.  If it's normal would recommend green color, it's the most widely used variant. And while diluting it, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to get optimum results.

Usually most widely used color of coolant is green.